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It's a fun game! I like the crt effect, I like that you added a parallax efect to the planets so I feel like I'm moving even when there is nothing on the screen, simple graphics. Good job!

Thank you! that means a lot!

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It's cool, nice ideas! The only think that bother me is the CRT visual effect being too pronounced.

Thank you! When I saw your comment I started working on adding that option with a value slider so you can make it less pronounced now or turn off the filter entirely!

Wonderful idea! This is one of the primary things of feedback I was going to give as well

Great gameplay!

Thank You!

Really well made! :D

Thanks just finished adding BG music and SFX should push the update soon :P then working on balance changes.

(1 edit)

awesome! keep going!

Great job. Needs audio, but its a very fun little rouge like.
You could add an old arcadey racer feel to this game by giving bigger 'maps' to fly through, like your ship is trying to reach a destination and you have to pilot through an asteroid field.

Yea love that idea!

Really liked that you fail fast, and can get back to playing it instantly. As you mentioned, it could do better with some sound. The concept itself is great. Keep up the good work.

Thanks! Yeah, I really wanted to go the full length of the jam and add abilities and a difficulty scaling as you level but I had to wrap it up to submit something because of unforeseen circumstances :P

I was a bit unsure about what I was supposed to do at first and I was wondering how the game was going to be any challenging.... but it turned out to be a really fun concept! Reminds me of bubble tanks. :)

Thanks! I wanted to work longer on it but could not :(